First Federation Trust
Happy New Year and welcome back!
I hope you all had a fun filled Christmas and enjoyed the break with your families.
The Spring term is a busy one, with lots of exciting things planned for the children. This includes a pyjama mufti day, a visit from the NSPCC, World Book Day mufti day, the £5 challenge, Numeracy workshops with TSB bank and not forgetting an Easter egg hunt!
Thank you for all your help and support, if you have any questions please catch me at the beginning or end of the day or if you need a longer appointment contact the office.
We are always on the lookout for extra helpers! If anybody is able to spare half an hour at 8:30 or 2:30 to help in class we would be so grateful.
Kind regards,
Mrs Mills
To get started, here are some dates for your diary:
Monday 7th January - Children back to school.
Tuesday 15th January 2:30 - Y4/5 Coffee afternoon.
Friday 18th January - Pyjama mufti day
Friday 15th February - Break up for half term
Monday 25th February - Back to school
Friday 1st March - Mufti Day - Red/yellow
Friday 1st March - £5 challenge money handed out
Monday 4th March - Class photos
Thursday 7th March - World Book Day - Free Book character mufti
Friday 15th March - Comic relief mufti
Monday 18th March - Friday 22nd March - Assessment week
Tuesday 26th March - Mufti Day - Purple Day
Wednesday 27th March - TSB Workshops
Thursday 28th March - TSB Workshops
Friday 29th March - £5 challenge fair - 2:00- 3:00 pm
Monday 1st April - £5 challenge money due in
Tuesday 2nd April - Parents evening
Wednesday 3rd April - Parents evening
Friday 5th April - Break up for Easter
Friday 5th April - British Values Mufti day - red/white/blue theme