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Safeguarding and Keeping Safe

Keeping our children safe is our key priority. We have many elements to our safeguarding support and procedures


You can find more information about our approach to safeguarding as a Trust, including safeguarding related policies such as our staff code of conduct, here.


If you have any concerns about the safety of your child, yourself or another child please come to see a member of staff listed below.


Designated safeguarding lead:

Natasha Brooks  


Deputy designated safeguarding leads:

Louise Lewis          Sarah Moger    



You can find our safeguarding and children protection policy below:

You can find our anti-bullying policy and pupil behaviour for learning policy on our website here.


Parents/carers are requested to telephone the office on 01752 365217 and leave a message before 8.30am if their child is going to be absent/late. The reason for absence must be in full i.e sickness on Sunday, temperature, severe cold etc. Please do not leave vague messages as the school office will need to call you back for more information.

When a child is absent from school and we have not received any verbal or written communication from the parent, we will initiate the first day contact procedures. If no message is left with the school office, we will telephone in turn each of the contacts on the list provided by the parents. If we are still unable to get confirmation as to why the child is not in school we will proceed to a welfare check (this is a visit to the home address). This is normally carried out by the senior staff from the school or the Educational Welfare officer. If we are still unable to confirm the child’s welfare we will call 101 to report the child as missing. This is the school’s duty of care and safeguarding for your child.



We have information about to keep safe online here and here.

What to do if your concern is urgent and the school is closed:

The NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) has a number of dedicated helplines. You can contact them to discuss any concerns or get advice and support. You can also contact their helplines if you're worried a child is being radicalised, is involved in or at risk from gangs or any other child safety concern. Call 0808 800 5000 or email

You can find more information about the NSPCC helplines here, including how to contact them out of hours.  
