First Federation Trust
Meet the Staff.
- Mrs Smith (Senior Administrator, First Aider and Educational Visits Coordinator)
- Mrs Brooks (Head of School and Designated Child Protection Officer)
- Mrs Lewis (Deputy Head of School, Teacher for Babylon class - Y5/6 class. Deputy Child Protection Officer (DDSL) and the Teaching and Learning Lead)
- Ms Kendall (Teacher for Dove Class - YR/1/2/3)
- Mrs Cameron (Teaching Assistant for EYFS and First Aider).
- Mrs Gray (Teacher for Galilee class - mixed Y4/5/6 class and First Aider)
- Mrs Coombes (Teacher of Jericho class - mixed year 5/6 class. She is also responsible for computing, PE, MFL and Junior Ten Tors)
- Mrs Spencer (P/T Teacher)
- Mrs Leach (Teaching Assistant for Nursery and Y5/6)
- Miss Johnson (Teaching Assistant for Nursery and Y5/6, First Aider, PTFA chair and Mealtime Assistant)
- Mrs Smith (Teaching Assistant for Y5/6 and Breakfast Club Supervisor)
- Mrs Austin (Teaching Assistant for Y4/5/6 and Mealtime Assistant)
- Mrs Hurrell (Teaching Assistant for Y5/6 and Breakfast Club Supervisor)
- Mrs Moger (SENDCO)
- Ms Holloway - P/T Family Support Advisor
- Mrs Nikki Hellem (Church Link Worker, Young Carer supervisor and PTFA Treasurer)
- Ms Mitchell (Mealtime Assistant)
- Mrs Hardy (Mealtime Assistant & Creation Station supervisor)
- Mrs Morgan (Mealtime Assistant)
- Kitchen Staff - Mrs Nash and Mrs Eaton
- Caretaker - Mr Cheetham
- Cleaner - Mrs Cook
- Cleaner - Mrs Stones