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Well, what an amazing couple of days we have had in the last week! On Friday, we all went to the Devon County Show and had a fantastic time. We saw a wide variety of farm activities and animals: we all fell in love with the alpacas and a few children even wanted to bring one home (I believe some children are going to put one on their Christmas list, so be warned!). We pressed apples and drank apple juice, sampled different foods, had animal encounters and also encounters with the robot, Titan. We had fun in the Police tent making fingerprint keyrings, putting on uniform items and sitting behind the steering wheel of a Police car. We cheered as children raced their ponies and thoroughly enjoyed looking at the prize winning farm animals which were brought into the show ring at the end of the afternoon. By the time we got back on to the coach, we were all exhausted, but we had had a brilliant time. 

On Wednesday afternoon, as part of Church Week, we went to Emmanuel Church. We learnt about communion and worship; explored the stained glass window designed by William Morris; created a timeline of Bible events and even learned how to play a tune on handbells.


Please enjoy our slide shows of these events, below.



Summer curriculum and dates

Spring Dates For Your Diary:


Monday 7th January - Children back to school

Tuesday 15th January 2:30 - Y4/5 Coffee afternoon

Friday 18th January - Pyjama mufti day (Winnie the Pooh day)

Monday 21st January - Clubs begin

Tuesday 29th January - NSPCC assembly

Friday 15th February - Break up for half term 


Monday 25th February - Children back to school

Monday 25th February - Random acts of kindness day

Friday 1st March - World Book Day - mufti day 

Friday 1st March - £5 challenge money handed out 

Monday 4th March - Class photos 

Monday 18th March - Friday 22nd March -  Assessment week

Tuesday 26th March - World purple day - Autism awareness

Wednesday 27th March - TSB workshops (permission slips needed in)

Thursday 28th March - TSB workshops (permission slips needed in)

Friday 29th March - Mothers' day gifts handed out

Friday 29th March - £5 challenge fair - 2:00- 3:00pm

Friday 29th March - School Easter disco 4:00-6:00pm

Monday 1st April - £5 challenge money due in

Monday 1st April - Fun day (awareness day)

Tuesday 2nd April - Parents evening 

Wednesday 3rd April - Parents evening

Thursday 4th April - Easter church service 

Friday 5th April - British Values Mufti day - red/white/blue theme 

Friday 5th April - Break up for Easter


Tuesday 23rd April - Children back to school

Changeover Day Team Building and Dancing

Visual Maths in Action
